Writs to bring in, 782.44
Privilege, see Privileged Communications
Property, damage to, 943.01 (2) (c)
Public service commission cases, must testify, 196.48
Religious beliefs or opinions, admissibility, 906.10
Religious test forbidden, I, 19
Report, reading by expert, 907.07
Right of accused to meet, I, 7
Rights of witnesses of crime:
Basic bill of rights, 950.04
Child witnesses, rights and services, 950.055
Counties to provide certain services, 950.055
Reimbursement, 950.06
Intergovernmental cooperation, 950.07
Legislative intent, 950.01
Self-incrimination, see Self-Incrimination
Subpoena, how issued, by whom, 885.01
Refusal to give, jailed, 972.08 (2)
With knowledge, examples of authentication or identification, 909.015 (1)
Unavailability as, 908.04, 908.045
Videotape procedure, see Civil Procedure—2. Depositions
Videotaped oral statement of children, 48.293 (3), 908.08, 938.293 (3)
Warrant on failure to appear, 968.09
Wills, 853.03, 853.07
None competent in state, other testimony, 856.15 (5)
Rights and liabilities, 877.41
Worker's compensation, coercion, 102.17
Writing used to refresh memory, 906.12
wolf river WOLF RIVER
women WOMEN
See also Marriage
Abortion, see Abortion
Advocacy activities:
By county commissions, 59.56 (16)
Governor may authorize for women, 14.19
Brighter futures initiative, 46.99
Appropriation, 20.505 (4) (ea)
Creation, 15.107 (11)
Duties, state agencies to assist, 16.01
Equal rights, 766.97
Food program for women, infants, children, 253.06
Health, see Diseases; Public Health
Jury service, 766.97
Low-income pregnant women, outreach to, 253.085
Pregnancy counseling, 46.245, 253.08
State adoption center, 48.55
Women's business initiative corporation grant, 560.037
woodland tax law WOODLAND TAX LAW
Generally, 77.16
Program terminated, 77.16 (14)
words and phrases WORDS AND PHRASES
Abandoned, 846.102
Container, 292.41 (1)
Highway corridor, 66.1333 (2m) (a)
Abandonment of mining, 293.61 (1)
Abatement, 823.23 (1) (a)
Abrasive cleaning method, 101.1215 (1) (a)
Absent elector, 6.85
Absentee, 813.23 (1) (b)
Abusive conduct, 895.73 (1) (a), 905.045 (1) (a)
Academic staff, 36.05 (1)
Accept, 115.46 (2)
Acceptance, 403.409 (1)
Acceptor, 403.103 (1) (a)
Access service, 196.01 (1b)
Accessible, 101.132 (1) (a)
Accessible route, 101.132 (1) (b)
Accession, 409.102 (1) (a)
Accident, 344.57 (1)
Accommodated party, 403.419 (1)
Accommodated person, 49.43 (1e)
Accommodation party, 403.419 (1)
Accompany, 350.05 (4)
Accounting, 409.102 (1) (as)
Accredited, 447.01 (1)
Accredited institution, 39.30 (1) (d)
Accumulation, 40.02 (1)
Accuracy, 299.11 (1) (a)